DHS issues new terror alert, warns that Jan. 6 attack emboldened extremists

Homeland Security issued a new terror alert bulletin Wednesday warning of possible attacks by domestic violent extremists spanning the ideological spectrum, but emboldened by the pro-Trump mob’s assault on the Capitol earlier this month.

There is no information on a specific credible plot, the department said, but the confluence of events has left security analysts worried enough to issue the warning.

The bulletin points to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, concerns over the presidential transition, ongoing debates over coronavirus shutdown restrictions and police use-of-force protests over the last year as worrying factors.

“DHS is concerned these same drivers to violence will remain through early 2021 and some DVEs may be emboldened by the January 6, 2021 breach of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. to target elected officials and government facilities,” the department said.

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