Sheriff’s office: Search on for man after report of shooting

ROCK HILL, S.C. (AP) – A law enforcement helicopter, drones and K-9 dogs were called into a search late Wednesday for a potentially armed and dangerous man after a report of a shooting at a South Carolina home, authorities said.

The York County Sheriff’s Office said deputies were called around 4:45 p.m. to the home in the Rock Hill area. But authorities had no additional details about the report or whether anyone had been injured.

The county sheriff’s office posted an online message saying authorities were seeking a man seen wearing a black hoodie and camouflage pants. “Suspect is possibly armed & dangerous,” the sheriff’s posting added, urging anyone with information to contact authorities.

The sheriff’s statements online asked people nearby to stay in their homes and lock their doors while the search continued. Local news reports said two medical helicopters and an ambulance also were at the scene.

The sheriff’s office said a helicopter of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, the state’s top crime-fighting agency, was deployed along with sheriff’s office drones.

Rock Hill is a city in northernmost South Carolina about 25 miles (40 kilometers) southwest of Charlotte, North Carolina.

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