3 People Rescued from Detroit River After Fishing Boat Takes on Water

Three individuals were retrieved after being stranded Saturday morning in the Detroit River.

Due to rough water conditions their boat began taking on water, killing the engine. When the individuals abandoned the 17-foot fishing boat, because they believed it was sinking, it began to float downstream.

Wyandotte Police and Fire Departments responded alongside the U.S. Coast Guard, the Wayne County Sheriff Marine Division and Tow Boat U.S. Detroit.

The individuals were found standing above the water on a break wall near the BASF facility in Wyandotte, holding on to the fence, according to Wyandotte Fire Department. They refused further medical treatment and were returned to the area where they launched the boat. No one was injured.

The boat was recovered by Wayne County Sheriff Marine Division and salvaged by Tow Boat U.S. Detroit.

This article is written by Kyle Davidson from Detroit Free Press and was legally licensed via the Tribune Content Agency through the Industry Dive publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].

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