This week in Congress: House Armed Services turn for NDAA work

Just a few days after the Senate Armed Services Committee offered its $740 billion defense authorization bill for fiscal 2022, House Armed Services lawmakers will begin the work on their markup this week.

The full committee draft won’t be finalized until early September, after the chamber returns from its August legislative recess. But the committee’s individual panels will vote on their separate sections of the bill this week, giving a glimpse at priorities included in their version of the bill.

Unlike their Senate counterparts, the House lawmakers will hold their work in public. The Senate Armed Services Committee finished its work last week after four days of mostly behind-the-scenes negotiating.

Neither chamber is expected to finalize their drafts of the bill until later this fall. In the last 11 years, Congress has finished its work on the authorization bill before the start of the new fiscal calendar (Oct. 1) only once.

Tuesday, July 27

House Veterans’ Affairs — 10 a.m. — Visitors Center H210
Veteran community services
VA officials will testify on resources available to help aging veterans stay in their homes.

Senate Foreign Relations — 10 a.m. — G-50 Dirksen
The committee will consider three pending State Department nominations.

Wednesday, July 28

Senate Foreign Relations — 9 a.m. — G-50 Dirksen
The committee will consider four pending State Department nominations.

Senate Homeland Security — 9:30 a.m. — 342 Dirksen
The committee will consider several pending Homeland Security nominations.

House Armed Services — 10 a.m. — 2118 Rayburn
NDAA cyber markup
The subcommittee on cyber security will mark up its section of the annual defense authorization bill draft.

House Foreign Affairs — 10 a.m. — 2172 Rayburn
Pending legislation
The committee will consider several pending bills.

House Armed Services — 12 p.m. — 2118 Rayburn
NDAA strategic forces markup
The subcommittee on strategic forces will mark up its section of the annual defense authorization bill draft.

House Armed Services — 2 p.m. — 2118 Rayburn
NDAA seapower markup
The subcommittee on seapower will mark up its section of the annual defense authorization bill draft.

House Armed Services — 3:30 p.m. — 2118 Rayburn
NDAA personnel markup
The subcommittee on personnel will mark up its section of the annual defense authorization bill draft.

Thursday, July 29

House Armed Services — 10 a.m. — 2118 Rayburn
NDAA tactical air markup
The subcommittee on tactical air will mark up its section of the annual defense authorization bill draft.

House Foreign Affairs — 10 a.m. — online hearing
Outside experts will testify on stability and governance issues in Lebanon.

House Science — 10 a.m. — 2318 Rayburn
NASA infrastructure
Officials from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will testify on agency infrastructure needs.

House Armed Services — 12 p.m. — 2118 Rayburn
NDAA readiness markup
The subcommittee on readiness will mark up its section of the annual defense authorization bill draft.

House Armed Services — 2 p.m. — 2118 Rayburn
NDAA special operations markup
The subcommittee on special operations and intelligence will mark up its section of the annual defense authorization bill draft.

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