EverGlade Consulting Assists United Safety Technology, Inc. in Securing $97 Million DOD Award

WASHINGTON, Aug. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — EverGlade Consulting (“EverGlade”), a Washington, D.C. based consulting firm, has successfully aided United Safety Technology, Inc. (“UST”) in securing $97 million in DOD funding to increase the domestic production capacity of nitrile gloves.

On June 21, 2021, the Department of Defense (DOD), on behalf of and in coordination with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), awarded a $96 million award to United Safety Technology, Inc. to increase the domestic production of nitrile gloves.

This industrial base expansion effort will allow United Safety Technology to increase production capacity of nitrile gloves in locations to be determined, increasing the domestic production capacity by 216M nitrile gloves per month by February 2023.

This effort was led by the DOD’s Defense Assisted Acquisition in coordination with the Department of the Air Force’s Acquisition COVID-19 Task Force (DAF ACT). HHS’ Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) funded this effort through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act to support industrial base expansion for critical medical resources.

“We were excited to work with EverGlade Consulting to help us navigate the procurement process,” explained Dan Izhaky, Chairman and CEO of United Safety Technology, Inc. “EverGlade’s expertise was critical to our ability to submitting a successful proposal, navigating the negotiation and getting off to a great start with the DOD,” he concluded.

UST was founded in 2020 by a group of entrepreneurs with the goal of re-shoring PPE manufacturing back to the USA. They recognized that in addition to the shortage, much of the PPE that was coming in from foreign sources was unsafe and unreliable.

“We’re thrilled to be working with UST,” commented Eric Jia-Sobota, CEO of EverGlade Consulting. “The repatriation of the PPE supply chain pipeline is critical to our national response to not only the current pandemic but future pandemics as well,” he concluded.

About EverGlade Consulting

EverGlade Consulting is a Washington, DC based consulting firm that helps clients navigate the federal landscape. We are inspired by technology-driven companies whose focus is to secure non-dilutive funding through the federal government. We offer services ranging from proposal support through the implementation of systems to comply with federal regulations at agencies including BARDA, the DOD, HHS, NIAID, and DTRA.

For additional information about EverGlade Consulting, visit: https://www.EverGlade.com

Contact: [email protected]

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