Russia warns of military action as fears mount of Christmas invasion of Ukraine

Russia upped the ante Monday in its dangerous standoff with Ukraine, openly warning of military action if President Biden and America’s NATO allies ignore a list of demands Moscow unveiled late last week — a far-reaching list that some key U.S. lawmakers have dubbed a “pretext to war.”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said that his country is fully prepared to respond through “military-technical means” if Western powers fail to address those demands, which include stopping NATO from expanding to include Ukraine or Georgia and that the U.S. won’t base additional military assets in former Soviet republics in Central Asia. Most of Moscow’s proposed security guarantees seemingly have little chance of becoming reality, but some foreign policy specialists warn that Russian President Vladimir Putin could use their rejection as a justification for a major land invasion of Ukraine.

Taken together, Russia’s proposal and now the direct threat of military action put renewed pressure on the White House to find a way to defuse a crisis that seems to be nearing the boiling point.

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U.S. officials have said Mr. Putin’s list of demands are unrealistic as a whole, but could be the starting point for more modest progress in lowering the temperature in Ukraine and letting diplomacy take the place of the current saber-rattling. At the same time, both the U.S. and European Union say they are preparing unprecedentedly harsh sanctions on Moscow if the Kremlin moves militarily against Kyiv.

How much of what Russia has sought is bluster and how much is non-negotiable are the big questions looming over the crisis. Some of Mr. Putin’s key advisers are doing little to lower the tensions.

“I said that we would find forms to respond, including by military and military-technical means,” Mr. Ryabkov said, according to Russia’s state-run TASS News Agency. “I reaffirm this. We will have to balance the activities that are of concern to us, because they increase the risks, with our countermeasures.”

He did not elaborate on exactly what those actions might be, but Russia’s military posture offers unmistakable clues.

Nearly 100,000 Russian troops are now stationed near the country’s border with Ukraine. The Russian military build-up has stoked fears that Mr. Putin is prepared to again seize a portion of its smaller and weaker neighbor by force, just as he did with the Crimean peninsula in 2014. 

Russia also backs separatists who have been battling the Ukrainian military since 2014 in the country’s disputed Donbas region.

It’s not clear whether Mr. Putin is willing to endure the casualties and the economic blowback that would result from a long-term ground war in Ukraine. But some Western governments are growing increasingly worried that some level of military action is on the horizon.

Britain’s Daily Star, for example, reported Monday that intelligence officials have privately warned U.K. officials that there is a very real possibility Russia might launch its invasion on Christmas Eve. U.S. intelligence analysts have said Russia’s build-up could give it a potential invasion force by early 2022, but that Mr. Putin has apparently not made the decision on whether to invade or stand down.

In yet another sign of the uneasiness in the region, the State Department on Monday also issued a new travel warning for Ukraine, citing specifically the reports that war may be in the offing in the former Soviet republic.

“U.S. citizens should be aware of reports that Russia is planning for significant military action against Ukraine,” the State Department said in its travel advisory. “U.S. citizens choosing to travel to Ukraine should be aware that Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine would severely impact the U.S. Embassy’s ability to provide consular services, including assistance to U.S. citizens in departing Ukraine.”

Further complicating Washington’s task is the hard-line stance being urged by many of the smaller countries that border Russia and have a long history of pressure and intimidation from Moscow.

The leaders of Poland and Lithuania held a mini-summit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Monday, calling for even tougher sanctions on Russia and rejecting any compromise in the face of Russia security demands.

“Everything must be done” to prevent potential Russian military aggression against Ukraine, Polish President Andrzej Duda told reporters at the Ukrainian village of Huta. It is “absolutely undesirable to yield to such an ultimatum, to such blackmail,” he added.

Lithuanian counterpart Gitanas Nauseda called Russia’s attempts to unilaterally lay down security “red lines” “unacceptable in Europe in the 21st century.”

Backing diplomacy

Against that backdrop, the Biden administration has doubled down on efforts to find a diplomatic solution. Mr. Biden and Mr. Putin spoke via video conference earlier this month. White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan spoke to his Russian counterpart by phone Monday and “indicated U.S. readiness to engage in diplomacy through multiple channels, including bilateral engagement” and in other forums, according to a White House readout of the call.

State Department officials, meanwhile, tried to strike a balance between keeping open the door for negotiations with Moscow while also taking a hard line against the Kremlin’s aggression.

“Any dialogue, any diplomacy has to be based on the principles of reciprocity,” State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters Monday. “We are having this discussion in the context of Russia’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine, but in some ways this is bigger than any one country.”

“No country has the right to dictate borders, to bully smaller countries, to intimidate, to coerce, to pursue their own interests,” he said. “That is not something the United States, that is not something our partners or allies will stand for.” 

Russia’s demands ostensibly are about protecting its own security, including preventing a military alliance formed to contain it — NATO — from bringing troops and arms to states all along Russia’s western border. But many of the specifics clearly are aimed at a much broader goal, one long advocated by Mr. Putin: establishing new limits on American military activities around the world.

One section of Moscow’s proposal, for example, states: “The parties shall refrain from deploying their armed forces and armaments … in the areas where such deployment could be perceived by the other party as a threat to its national security, with the exception of such deployment within the national territories of the parties.”

“The parties shall refrain from flying heavy bombers equipped for nuclear or non-nuclear armaments or deploying surface warships of any type, including in the framework of international organizations, military alliances or coalitions, in the areas outside national airspace and national territorial waters respectively, from where they can attack targets in the territory of the other party,” it says.

Such an agreement would directly impact America’s military posture in Europe and elsewhere around the world. 

While the U.S. isn’t seriously entertaining such proposals, some lawmakers argue that Mr. Putin has a more sinister aim — creating the threat of a crisis in order to extract concessions from NATO and the U.S.

“The Russian government’s publication of ‘proposals’ for the United States and NATO is an insult to diplomacy and seeks to extort us into ending a crisis Russia itself created. These are not security agreements, but a list of concessions the United States and NATO must make to appease Putin,” Sen. Jim Risch, Idaho Republican and ranking member on the House Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement over the weekend. “The Russian Federation made these demands with the full understanding they are impossible to accept. … Russia is clearly trying to create a pretext for war.”

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