Biden administration, lawmakers say no go to no-fly zone in Ukraine

The Biden administration and lawmakers rejected establishing a “no-fly” zone above Ukraine, fearing it will only create a direct conflict between the United States and Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told a bipartisan group of senators Saturday on a Zoom call that the U.S. must initiate a no-fly zone to help protect his people against Russia’s invasion of their country.

On ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Marco Rubio, vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, suggested Sunday that a no-fly zone could result in World War III.

“Basically, a no-fly zone is — if people understood what it means — it means World War III. It means starting World War III. So, I think there are a lot of things we can do to help Ukraine protect itself, both from airstrikes and missile strikes, but I think people need to understand what a no-fly zone means,” said Mr. Rubio, Florida Republican.

“It’s not just — it’s not some rule you pass that everybody has to oblige by. It’s the willingness to shoot down the aircraft of the Russian Federation, which is basically the beginning of World War III,” he added.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday told NBC “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd that there is no interest for the U.S. to be put into “direct war with Russia, a nuclear power.”

“The president’s been very clear about one thing all along as well, which is we’re not going to put the United States in direct conflict with Russia. Not have American planes flying against Russian planes or our soldiers on the ground in Ukraine,” Mr. Blinken said.

“What we’re trying to do is end this war in Ukraine not start a larger one. And by the way, keep in mind … what a no-fly zone means. It means that if you declare a space, no-fly, and Russian plane flies through it, it means we have to shoot it down,” he said.

Some senators suggested sending American unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Ukraine to supply the Ukrainian air force or to NATO allies, like Poland, that can supply such drones to Ukraine.

Ukraine needs airpower urgently and America should send it. Zelenskyy‘s message is simple: ‘close the skies or give us planes.’ Let’s be clear-eyed about our options: A No-Fly Zone means sending American pilots into combat against Russian jets and air defenses — in a battle between nuclear powers that could spiral out of control quickly,” Sen. Ben Sasse, Nebraska Republican and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement.

“But Americans should absolutely send Ukrainians planes, helicopters, and UAVs. Let’s resupply Ukraine’s Air Force today and keep the Ghosts of Kyiv in the skies,” Mr. Sasse said.

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