Ukraine turning captured Russian equipment into weapons

Ukrainian officials have put the country’s economy on a war footing following the invasion by Russia, now in its second week.

On Sunday, Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said Ukrainian manufacturers and factories are focused on filling military orders and repairing equipment damaged in the fighting.

“To fight, the country has to work — everyone in their place,” Mr. Reznikov said, according to the Defense Ministry. “If you have been forced to evacuate, get a job in a new home. Your help is needed everywhere.”

In his address to the nation, Mr. Reznikov said Ukraine is turning war trophies into weapons by making use of the Russian tanks and armored vehicles often seen being dragged away by farm tractors. Moscow’s battlefield losses are helping Ukraine replenish its fleet of combat vehicles.

“Then finally, the enemy will be killed by their weapons,” he said.

The Russians are focusing their wrath on women and children and pulverizing residential neighborhoods because they have been unable to overcome Ukraine’s military strength, Mr. Reznikov said.

“The Russians are ordinary terrorists, and terrorists will be destroyed,” he said.

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