Biden gets high marks on Ukraine but low poll numbers don’t budge

Voters are giving President Biden high marks for his response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but it is not enough to lift his approval ratings which remain stagnant at 42%, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Friday.

The 42% approval rating matches the result from the same poll in November, while 57% of those surveyed Friday said they disapproved of Mr. Biden’s overall performance.

Mr. Biden’s handling of the Ukraine war was a bright spot for him with 50% of voters saying they approved of how he had dealt with Russia, compared to 46% who disapproved.

A separate question about Mr. Biden’s response to the crisis in Ukraine earned him a 47% approval rating, compared to a 46% who disapproved.

An overwhelming majority of those surveyed, 79%, said they approved of Mr. Biden banning Russian oil imports.

The economy, however, remains a thorn in Mr. Biden’s side. The poll found that 63% of voters disapproved of how he has responded to inflation, and 47% said Republicans were better able to handle the economy.

About 30% of respondents said Democrats were better prepared to handle the economy.

The poll matches similar surveys which show Mr. Biden’s approval rating in the high-30% or low-40% range, underscoring voters’ concern about rising consumer prices.

The Wall Street Journal poll surveyed 1,500 registered voters from March 2-7 and has a margin of error of 2.5 percentage points.

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