Biden to announce $700 million round of lethal aid to Ukraine, including advanced rocket systems

President Biden plans to announce a new $700 million aid package, including advanced rocket systems and air surveillance radars, administration officials said Tuesday.

The new package excludes longer-range systems such as Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, despite pressure from Ukrainian officials.

The White House said Tuesday that Kyiv also provided assurances that the new weapons will not be used to target Russians beyond Ukraine’s borders.

“We are not encouraging or enabling Ukraine to strike beyond its borders,” an administration official said Tuesday.

Still, officials said the administration remains “committed to providing assistance to Ukraine as they defend their country.”

The package, which Mr. Biden plans to announce Wednesday, will be the 11th round of U.S aid since the war began.

The U.S. has provided a total of $4.5 billion in lethal aid to Ukraine since the end of February.

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