U.S. airstrikes decrease by 54% under President Biden

U.S. military airstrikes have fallen by 54% under President Biden compared to the previous administration, according to a new report.

The total number of U.S. declared strikes across active conflict zones fell from 951 in 2020 to 439 in 2021, said researchers from Airwars, a group that tracks military actions worldwide.

“This is by far the lowest declared annual US strike number since at least 2004 and reflects a broader trend of declining US actions in recent years,” said the group’s report published Wednesday.

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The majority of this year’s strikes, 372, were carried out in Afghanistan before the U.S. withdrawal in August, a 44% decrease from 660 in the last year under President Donald Trump.

Just 58 strikes were carried out across Iraq and Syria in 2021 compared to 201 last year, a 71% reduction.

Strikes also fell significantly in Somalia. President Biden carried out just 9 strikes in the theater in 2021 compared to 72 the prior year, an 88% decrease.

Airwars noted that the reduction in airstrikes in 2021 builds on a trend that began in 2020.

“The biggest take-home is that Biden has significantly decreased U.S. military action across the globe,” the report said.

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