This week in Congress: Lawmakers get Ukraine updates from top U.S. military official in Europe

The ongoing fighting in Ukraine will be the focus of a pair of key Capitol Hill hearings this week as lawmakers continue to look for ways to aid the country in its fight against Russia.

On Wednesday, officials from the House Armed Services Committee will hear from Gen. Tod Wolters, head of U.S. European Command, on the current situation in his region of responsibility and his needs in the fiscal 2023 budget.

While the hearing is not specifically geared towards Russia’s military assault on Ukraine, the topic is likely to be the key focus of much of the questioning.

Simultaneously, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will host a hearing on whether Russia’s military actions constitute war crimes. Independent observers have noted Russia force bombing schools, hospitals and other clear civilian targets in their military advance.

Last week, Congress approved $13.6 billion in new aid to Ukraine as part of their $1.5 trillion budget bill for fiscal 2022.

Tuesday, March 15

Senate Armed Services — 9:30 a.m. — G-50 Dirksen
Central and Africa Command
Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, and Gen. Stephen Townsend, head of U.S. Africa Command, will testify on current challenges and the fiscal 2023 budget request.

Senate Foreign Relations — 10 a.m. — 419 Dirksen
Combatting authoritarianism
State Department officials will testify on U.S. policies and strategy towards foreign authoritarian regimes.

Senate Foreign Relations — 2 p.m. — 419 Dirksen
The committee will consider several pending State Department nominations.

Wednesday, March 16

House Armed Services — 10 a.m. — 2118 Rayburn
Military activity in Europe
Gen. Tod Wolters, head of U.S. European Command, will testify on current operations in Europe and needs in the fiscal 2023 budget request.

House Veterans’ Affairs — 10 a.m. — Visitors Center H210
Pending legislation
The subcommittee on economic opportunity will consider several pending bills.

House Foreign Affairs — 10 a.m. — online hearing
Outside experts will testify on potential Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

House Veterans’ Affairs — 2 p.m. — Visitors Center H210
Pending legislation
The subcommittee on health will consider several pending bills.

House Armed Services — 2 p.m. — 2118 Rayburn
Installations update
Installations officials from the four services will give an update on current needs and challenges.

House Foreign Affairs — 3 p.m. — online hearing
Outside experts will testify on ongoing fighting in Syria.

Senate Armed Services — 3 p.m. — 222 Russell
Military toxic exposures
Defense officials and veterans advocates will testify on illnesses among troops and veterans caused by military burn pits and other toxic exposure issues.

Thursday, March 17

House Armed Services — 10 a.m. — 2118 Rayburn
Central and Africa Command
Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, and Gen. Stephen Townsend, head of U.S. Africa Command, will testify on current challenges and the fiscal 2023 budget request.

House Veterans’ Affairs — 2 p.m. — Visitors Center H210
VA healthcare workforce
Department officials will discuss recruiting and retention efforts for the VA workforce.

House Armed Services — 4 p.m. — 2118 Rayburn
Defense intelligence posture
Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, Gen. Paul Nakasone, head of U.S. Cyber Command, and Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, will testify on current operations and the fiscal 2023 budget request.

Leo covers Congress, Veterans Affairs and the White House for Military Times. He has covered Washington, D.C. since 2004, focusing on military personnel and veterans policies. His work has earned numerous honors, including a 2009 Polk award, a 2010 National Headliner Award, the IAVA Leadership in Journalism award and the VFW News Media award.

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