Ex-ambassador to Mexico says Mayorkas should be impeached

The push to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has gained more steam with America’s former ambassador to Mexico saying he supports the idea.

Christopher Landau, who served during the Trump administration, said in a new podcast this weekend that Mr. Mayorkas is breaking his “constitutional responsibility” by not carrying out the laws governing border security.

“They swore an oath under God that they would enforce the law,” Mr. Landau said on El American’s “Aguilar Opina” podcast.

“If they have no interest in abiding by the oath they made before God and their fellow citizens, then they should leave and, if not, they should be removed from their jobs.”

Mr. Landau was speaking to Alfonso Aguilar, who was head of the Office of Citizenship at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Bush administration and who now hosts the podcast for El American, a Spanish-language conservative news platform.

Mr. Landau’s comments follow on those of former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, who last month told The Washington Times’ “Politically Unstablepodcast that House Republicans do have a “strong case” for impeachment.

SEE ALSO: Ex-DHS chief Chad Wolf lays out ‘strong case’ for Mayorkas impeachment

Mr. Wolf gave Mr. Mayorkas an “F” grade for his border security performance.

Articles of impeachment were introduced last year, amid the early part of the migrant surge, by Rep. Andy Biggs, Arizona Republican. But with the GOP in the minority, the measure has gone nowhere.

Even if the House did vote to impeach — which takes a majority vote — convicting and removing Mr. Mayorkas in the Senate, where it takes a two-thirds vote, is a taller order.

Still, Mr. Aguilar said there’s “growing momentum” among Republicans to make the attempt next year if the GOP takes control of the House after November’s elections.

“I really think it’s a distinct possibility that it will happen,” he said. “They are fed up with DHS continuing to misuse its parole authority to release hundreds of thousands of migrants into the country.  He’s totally disregarding the law.”

Mr. Mayorkas, when asked about impeachment efforts, has brushed off the question, saying he is focused on his job.

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