Charity of the Month

Each month we highlight a different organization focusing on improving the lives of our military members.

United American Patriots is dedicated to defending our nation’s defenders and providing much needed assistance, both legal and financial. Support for each individual recipient, includes travel and housing for family to visit their service member during the long process of incarceration and legal defense. 

Each American Citizen – whether civilian or military – has inalienable Constitutional Rights that must be assured and protected at all times.  Many of our dedicated soldiers have been wrongly convicted and incarcerated for doing their duty while serving our country.  United American Patriots is A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organized

to provide an effective defense team for these warriors and defray the enormous costs for an adequate and fair legal defense.  Almost every military defendant and his or her family must hire a civilian attorney and are forced to take out mortgages on their homes, borrow money from family members and acquire massive debt that cannot possibly be repaid on military salaries, especially while incarcerated and confined

within the military system.  If you would like to learn more and help please click here